There was no incidence of CSF infection or cerebralherniation.
Ventriculostomies are always placed before utilizing lumbar drains to minimize the risk of cerebralherniation.
The risk of cerebralherniation can be minimized by performing lumbar drainage only in cases with discernible basal cisterns.
Recanalization of the main MCA in the infarction zone resulted in hemorrhagic infarction, and the patient died of cerebralherniation.
Lumbar CSF drainage has been contraindicated in the setting of increased intracranial pressure (ICP) because of possible cerebralherniation.
For brain metastasis with increased intracranial pressure, decompression surgery is useful to prevent brainherniation.
The cases represent neurologic catastrophes encountered in the intensive care unit consisting of symptomatic hyponatremia, severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome, and brainherniation syndrome.
Death equivalent was defined as unresponsive grade 4 hepatic encephalopathy or ICP greater than 20 mmHg with clinical evidence of brainherniation.